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5 GTM Frameworks You Can Start Using Today

Thanks for being one of more than 55,000 forward-thinking GTM Leaders who subscribe to this weekly research note. We aim to be the go-to for go-to-market, so we appreciate you reading and sharing when you see something you like!

This week’s research note includes:

  • GTM Research: 5 GTM Frameworks You Can Start Using Today

  • GTM Poll of the Week: What are the biggest blockers to GTM clarity and alignment?

  • GTM Problem of the Week: How do I know if PLG is a winning strategy?

  • GTM Product Spotlight of the Week: Growblocks

  • GTM Events

And you’ll be getting a special edition tomorrow with some very exciting news for the GTM profession! So keep an eye out for tomorrow’s note!

GTM Research:

A weekly deep-dive into new GTM research and insights

We do GTM research and advisory work all day, every day. So we decided to pull together some of our favorite resources, and we hope they might help you.

1. The Go-to-Market Operating System (OS)

The GTM Operating System is an 8-pillar framework that we have developed to provide organizations with clarity and alignment in their strategic planning and execution process.

The GTM Operating System is made up of many interconnected parts that allow your GTM team to stay aligned on a common goal, both as a GTM team and within specific disciplines such as sales, marketing, and customer success.

It also allows the owner of GTM within your organization to validate your strategy and understand the capacity of the GTM team. These eight pillars are critical to ensuring that GTM is a company-wide holistic initiative and not just a marketing/ sales initiative.

The GTM Operating System provides blueprints for how to manage GTM execution across the entire company.

Each pillar builds on the next, allowing you to connect the dots between teams with significantly different roles.

Explore the GTM Operating System

2. MOVE: The 4-Question Go-to-Market Framework

Our co-founders, Sangram Vajre and Bryan Brown wrote a bestselling book called MOVE that serves as a GTM operating manual to give you confidence and clarity around:

  1. Who you market to

  2. What you need to operate effectively

  3. When you scale your business

  4. Which areas you can grow the most

It’s a great tool for a new GTM leader to assess the state of play, whether it’s your first gig or your 10th.

(Pro tip: if you want a copy, attend one of our roadshows. Everyone gets a signed edition!)

There is also an assessment you and your team can take to see where you are (and aren’t) aligned on GTM strategy.

Take the MOVE Assessment

3. GTM and CMO Scorecards

A modern GTM dashboard doesn’t just track acquisition and revenue. It tracks the overall health of the business to help the executive team make better go-to-market decisions faster.

Download the CMO/CRO Scorecard

Download the GTM Scorecard

4. Matching ROI to Buyer Persona

Different personas in your buying committee will care about different things, and attributable ROI is not the only game in town..

  • The CEO and CFO want to know if it will make money or save money.

  • The head of a functional department (VP or C-Level) wants to know your product or service will help them achieve their objectives on time and on budget.

  • A manager is focused on not adding work for their team and making sure change management/onboarding is easy and straightforward.

  • The users just want it to make their jobs easier.

So who are you selling to? That will help you tell your ROI story.

Download the ROI Report

5. Understanding your Total Relevant Market (TRM)

Most organizations think they have their ICP nailed, but few actually do.

Just because you know your target market’s employee count, revenue, and industry, doesn’t mean you have a clearly defined ICP.

Defining your ICP usually involves analyzing your current customer base and identifying patterns and characteristics that indicate ideal customers who are satisfied, renew, and expand with relative ease.

  1. Data Collection: Gather data on your existing customers, including demographics, firmographics, and behavioral data.

  2. Segmentation and Prioritization: Use data analysis tools to further prioritize the lists that sales and marketing will devote time and effort to.

  3. Tailor Your Messaging: Whether or not you can find your exact, perfect ICP in your lead lists, make sure your messaging will attract the most relevant buyers and turn off those that aren’t.

  4. Form-Based Qualification: Further weed out the wrong buyers with forms.

  5. Sales Discovery: Calls or meetings with trained sales reps should further identify which deals the experienced AEs should devote time and energy to.

  6. Validation: Test your ICP by using it to target new prospects and evaluate the success of your campaigns.

Learn More About TRM

We can train your team on these 5 frameworks and dozens of others that will drive your business forward. Sign up today to get your team trained and certified.

Join the Waitlist for GTM Team Training

GTM Poll of the Week

In recent research, respondents said that the biggest blocker to GTM success was not market conditions or competition, it was internal alignment.

We want to dig into that a bit deeper.

GTM Problem of the Week

Send us your most pressing GTM problem, and you’ll get a short session with an analyst to answer it!

Dear GTM Partners,

We have a small but mighty PLG motion, and I think it could be a bigger growth driver for us. When I look at inbound, outbound, events, or product-led growth, I really think PLG could be a more efficient play for us. How should I be thinking about this?


Dear B2B CMO,

If your users’ propensity to self-serve and evangelize is high AND your product is very easy to use, you might be a great candidate.

On the other hand, if your users aren’t likely to self-serve and your product is hard to use, it doesn’t make sense.

In the other two-quadrants, we have “sales-assisted PLG,” which can mean lots of things. It could mean an actual sales person is involved, but it could also be a customer success or support professional.

Sometimes the “assist” comes at the front-end to get someone to set up a free account, and sometimes it may come after adoption in the form of enterprise sales.

For example : Slack has successfully converted hundreds of users from the same organization to a centralized enterprise purchase from a department head.

Even with a “pure” PLG motion, you have to make an investment in community and support so that product evangelists and experts can interact directly with users (via communities, forums, video, livestreams, LinkedIn, etc.)

Even if you think your product is easy to use and ripe for a PLG motion, it’s worth thinking about the buyers as well.

If you’re answering “no” to many of these questions, it means you’ll experience a lot of friction using PLG.

If you’ve answered “no” to just a few questions, then proceed with caution.

For example : if you answered "no" to "the use cases are well understood" but "yes" to "doesn't require change in thinking", you can probably mitigate your challenges. You could create an in-product experience that teaches the use case or allow the user to select templates that make it easy to get started.

If you work through the first three pillars of the GTM Operating System, you’ll match up market segments with products and GTM motions and it might inform how much you invest in PLG versus some of the other motions you’re using.

Hope that helps!

Send us your GTM questions

GTM Product Spotlight of the Week: Growblocks

In this era of efficient growth, revenue leaders must confidently understand how their company’s Go-to-Market investments impact pipeline and future revenue.

Despite the increasing need for visibility from executives and boards, many still rely on outdated processes, technologies, and spreadsheet manipulations to manage their businesses.

Additionally, evolving B2B Go-to-Market strategies (such as PLG, Partner-Led, Community, etc.) complicate the ability to discern impactful actions and identify cost-cutting opportunities without revenue sacrifice.

This has created three essential needs for nearly every Revenue Operations team:

  1. Full-funnel, end-to-end GTM performance insights.

  2. Support identifying risks, issues, and unnecessary costs in the revenue development cycle.

  3. Accurate forecast predictions based on more than just historical data.

These needs are further complicated by smaller team sizes and the growing adoption of GTM technologies. While these technologies aim to streamline operations and scale efforts, they can also increase the workload for revenue operations teams.

Amid these widespread challenges, new technology, leveraging AI modeling and enhanced automation processes, can help alleviate the burden on RevOps teams.

Growblocks: A Revenue Funnel Insights Solution

Growblocks revolutionizes GTM data consolidation, identifying cost saving and revenue-accelerating opportunities across complex Go-to-Market strategies. Its engine provides high-level revenue process insights with detailed drill-down capabilities for analysis validation and confirmation. Solutions like Growblocks are becoming essential for RevOps and Finance teams seeking to understand, validate, and better manage complex revenue engines.

Read the Growblocks Product Spotlight

GTM Events

A list of upcoming events of interest to GTM professionals

Are you a B2B company between $10-100M in revenue who needs help with your GTM strategy and execution? We’d love to chat.

Book a strategy call

We are excited to share an announcement soon about a big upcoming project and event series we have planned. Stay tuned for an announcement on June 11!

Bryan and Sarah will also be in Boston this week at the TechTarget HQ, hope to see you there!


The GTM Partners Team

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