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6 Reasons RevOps is the MVP of GTM

Thanks for being one of more than 90,000 forward-thinking GTM Leaders who subscribe to this weekly research note. We aim to be the go-to for go-to-market, so we appreciate you reading and sharing when you see something you like!

This week’s research note includes:

  • GTM Research: 6 Reasons RevOps is the MVP of GTM

  • GTMonday Live: Join us tomorrow on LinkedIn for a discussion with our first group of GTM O.S. certified professionals!

  • Better Together: Register now for our first Better Together executive forum in Atlanta!

  • ROI Study of the Week: Meeting Buyers on Their Terms with TechnologyAdvice

  • GTM Events: Events you should know about

GTM Research: 6 Reasons RevOps is the MVP of GTM

A weekly deep-dive into new GTM research and insights

According to Gartner, 75% of the highest-growth companies in the world will deploy a Revenue Operations model by 2025.

2025 is not that far away, and we believe a new era for Revenue Operations has already begun! 

Let’s look at seven key reasons that today’s successful SaaS companies should rely on a mature Revenue Operations team to achieve their targets.

1. The RevOps role is a lot more strategic than it used to be.

RevOps has evolved from "data short order cook" to the "revenue problem solvers and advisors."

The RevOps function surfaced about five years ago, and in no time, the C-suite asked for sprawling dashboards and reports, making life in RevOps feel a bit like a data “short order cook.”  

As the people best positioned to wield the data, (and the ones at the tip of the sword answering questions about the disparities in the data) RevOps has emerged as the truth tellers and information stewards across disparate sources.  

In the best SaaS companies, RevOps has emerged as the revenue problem solvers, able to take a holistic view of sales motions and customer journeys to assess the "friction between the functions." 

They can diagnosis the root causes back to system, process, or people engagement/ enablement; quantify the revenue bleed; and suggest fixes accordingly.  

The best-in-class RevOps teams have matured into an advisory role, pivoting to a pro-active state.  If you’re just using them as short-order cooks, you’re only seeing a fraction of the value they can provide.

2. RevOps leaders have more multifaceted backgrounds.

RevOps leaders are increasingly sourced cross-functionally from across GTM, making them both close to the business and close to the data.

Traditionally, RevOps has been viewed as an outgrowth of SalesOps with a hardcore background in CRM and Data Science. The role of Head of RevOps has leveled up and so too has the need for the leadership of RevOps to become more “executive” and aligned with the business itself.  

To find the right leaders, RevOps leaders are beginning to come from adjacent groups, like Marketing, Product, or Business Intelligence. This makes them better able to set departmental objectives that are aligned with the North Star goals and less prone to whimsy or lack of understanding of one department. 

3. RevOps leaders are geniuses at using technological advancements to solve tough problems.

RevOps leverages technological advances and AI to tackle tough challenges to build (or at least begin construction of) the Deal 360 'Holy Grail.' 

Beyond the AI hype, RevOps actively sees the possibilities of technological advances to leapfrog over data challenges of the past. 

Most organizations are limited to working exclusively with structured data from the CRM, MAP, Sales Engagement, and Conversational Intelligence platforms.  

Today we see Revenue Marketing Intelligence platforms emerge that combine structured and unstructured data with human insights (i.e. natural language buying signals) so a full deal 360 can be created across accounts, both prospect and customer. 

We know that a full deal 360 is still a bit of a Holy Grail for many organizations, but the horizon is fast approaching, and the capability is here now. Imagine a dynamic and iterative ICP, the ability to discern optimal touch patterns, or the most impactful messaging and value propositions that really work in the field. You don’t have to imagine it, because the best RevOps teams are already building it!  

4. RevOps helps your tech stack prove value.

RevOps leans into our current Capital Efficient economic times with a disciplined lens on the GTM Tech Stack, forcing the individual tools and platforms to prove their ROI.

The average B2B enterprise has more than 23 core systems in their GTM tech stack alone.

During the “growth at all costs” years, many companies (over) invested in TOFU technologies that were often more focused on justifying functional metrics than providing business value (“tech bloat”). 

RevOps, as the more neutral systems owner and budget holder, takes a more fiscally minded lens to the resources invested.

RevOps evaluates the various GTM tools and platforms based on their ability to integrate with one another and facilitate the booking of revenue across the complete buyer and customer journeys.  

Some fear what will happen if their pet system is ripped-out, however in practice often RevOps reduces redundancy or over-spend in license count to reallocate on solutions that provide greater benefits using ROI. 

RevOps is architecting a factory with the budget that is available, and that plays well in today’s Capital Efficient Growth world.

5. RevOps can lead the charge for a unified dashboard.

RevOps has upped-the-game in the battle of data integrity using a "unify & double-click" approach with the KPI’s for the C-suite, who is now turning the corner to be data-driven over gut-driven as their confidence and trust improves.

Given the historical data integrity challenges, combined with “Marketing math,” vs. “Sales math,” vs. “Investor math,” who could blame the C-suite for data skepticism? 

However, RevOps is shining the light on a better, more confidence-inspiring, data-driven way.

We’ve found that the best RevOps teams stop the over-indexing and report sprawl by pivoting to focus on a handful of critical KPIs to create GTM-level dashboards.  These RevOps groups work across the GTM teams to create a unified definition methodology. 

Thus, as various users “double-click” and drill into the underlying data there is more trust that the data lines up and paints an accurate picture.  Now that GTM speaks the same data language, there is less time spent in-fighting about the integrity of the data and more time spent leveraging it to make decisions about how to use it to run the business. Brilliant!

Check out our GTM Scorecard Template

6. RevOps can help you prioritize better.

RevOps can drive prioritization and alignment on the typically overstuffed list of strategic initiatives by using intelligence to forecast both the lift and reach of each.

Today’s RevOps orgs drive intelligent alignment on strategic initiatives. 

For instance, if the GTM team determines that 30% of this year’s annual revenue will come from a strategic initiative targeting a specific vertical, then RevOps can scope the lift necessary (including readiness, enablement, activation) to hit a particular reach of the desired initiative, and suggest an executive sponsor and cross-functional cadence to execute and be successful.  

Smart RevOps leaders understand that the business is dynamic, and priorities will change.  But RevOps can demonstrate risks-to-revenue or opportunities for revenue, and stack rank those against the current business needs with suggestions about how to work for optimal impact.  

RevOps has come a long way in a short time earning them MVP status amongst the GTM team. As you can see by the 7 findings in this report, focusing on a mature RevOps organization is a critical key to success in our ever-changing and more competitive world.   

GTMonday Live: GTM O.S. Certification

Join our co-founder and CEO Sangram Vajre every Tuesday on LinkedIn at 12:30 ET for a deep dive into the week’s topic.

Tomorrow, August 20, Sangram and Lindsay Cordell will be talking with 6 GTM pros who just graduated from our GTM O.S. Certification course:

Sign up so the whole series is on your calendar, or join us on LinkedIn Tuesday!

Register for the Series

GTM is Better Together: Atlanta and Boston registration now open!

“GTM is Better Together” is a revolutionary new vision that the future of GTM is better together with unified teams, tech, and trust. This is a weekly feature where we will share the latest announcements related to this important initiative.

We are less than two weeks away from our inaugural Better Together event in Atlanta, and our other cities are filling fast (request a pair of tickets here).

  • ATLANTA: August 28

  • BOSTON: September 10

  • NYC: October 22

  • SAN FRANCISCO: November 20

Full agenda now live for Atlanta!

We have an amazing lineup of speakers confirmed for the Atlanta Event:

  • Dr. Tim Elmore from Growing Leaders is our Guest Keynote Speaker

  • Camye Mackey from Atlanta Hawks

  • Heather Berggren from Cisco

  • Bob Heidish from Fiserv

  • Nadia Davis from Payitgov.com

  • Manjush Varghese from Equifax

  • Howard H Atkins from ConstructConnect

  • Paul Whelan from Verint

  • Rachel Christopher from Autodesk

Check the website for full agenda details!

Request a ticket to Better Together

ROI Study of the Week:

GTM Partners’ ROI studies are third-party validated assessments of Go-to-Market vendor solutions that are primarily focused on how to get the most out of an investment in technology.

Centered around use cases (as opposed to stack ranking vendors), these guides are intended to provide readers with a data-driven analysis of what problems the solution is intended to solve and how well it delivers on those promises.

To learn more about our ROI studies, book a meeting here.

Meet Buyers on Their Terms

Traditional lead generation strategies are failing to deliver results. In our most recent GTM Benchmark report, 56% of companies reported missing revenue goals last year.

Meanwhile, technology buying committees are growing and changing. Most of the stakeholders making decisions don’t sit on the technology team, yet have the ability to make or break a deal. They consume an average of 13 pieces of first and third party content (according to research firm Focus Vision) before signing a deal.

Modern technology companies need to know which buyers are researching relevant information, and then be able to influence them where they already are. Highly specific technology audiences require a partner who already has access to their trust and attention.

About TechnologyAdvice

TechnologyAdvice is a modern B2B media publisher and demand generation company that specializes in connecting buyers and sellers of business technology (and one of our partners for Better Together!).

TechnologyAdvice owns and operates more than 30 tech media brands including TechRepublic, eWeek, Datamation, eSecurity Planet, Fit Small Business, Channel Insider, DZone, ProjectManagement.com, and TechnologyAdvice.com. These are the news sources and technology review sites where buyers are already going to research solutions and manage the complexity and risk of the buying process.

Through its global network of tech media properties, product review sites, newsletters, social media, and YouTube channels, TechnologyAdvice helps its customers reach an audience of more than 100 million business leaders and technology buyers in IT, Cybersecurity, HR, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Project Management, and other market segments.

TechnologyAdvice also gives tech vendors invaluable intent data about who is researching what topics and provides an opportunity to surround a buying committee through advertising, thought leadership, custom content, events, and syndicated editorial content. TechnologyAdvice customers say it is the best source of quality pipeline in their GTM playbook.

Read the TechnologyAdvice ROI Study

GTM Events

A list of upcoming events of interest to GTM professionals

Do you need help with your GTM strategy and execution?

GTM Partners works with B2B companies in the following ways:

  • GTM Audit and Plan: We assess your current GTM challenges and opportunities, provide a GTM Score, and offer a plan for identifying and prioritizing your biggest GTM challenges.

  • 1:1 Advisory: Our 1-on-1 advisory provides coaching for GTM leaders who need help elevating their strategy. Through regular calls, you'll work with our analysts to refine your GTM and achieve personal and professional goals.

  • GTM Team Advisory: We work with your entire GTM team to execute your plan using our proprietary GTM Operating System and the frameworks we’ve built to accelerate your growth. We can do this on a project basis to address specific needs or help you through a total GTM transformation.

We’d love to chat more about what you need and how we can help.

Book a Strategy Call

Summer is winding down, kids are headed off to college and back to school. Hope you’ve had a good one, and thanks for letting us in for a few minutes each week with this research note!


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