Thanks and gratitude from GTM Partners

Hi everybody, Sangram and Bryan here.

We used to write all the GTMondays ourselves, but now we have a team.

But we wanted to take over GTMonday again because it’s the season of gratitude and thanks, and we are both feeling so much of it.

A little over two years ago, we wrote our first book together.

That led to us co-founding GTMPartners together because we saw the need for a midmarket, GTM analyst and advisory firm.

A year ago, we launched our first piece of GTM research: the Comprehensive Guide to GTM.

We’ve had a whirlwind of a year with lots of growth and learning on our part.

We’ve learned so much from all of you, and hopefully shared our experience and knowledge as well.

We are so, so grateful for all of our customers, partners, ambassadors, friends, and allies in our mission to make GTM simple and do the best work of our lives!

Watch this video to see what we’ve been up to.

  • We’ve worked will well over 300 companies to teach them our GTM Operating System and frameworks

  • Our analysts have spent more than 1800 hours in individual and small group sessions.

  • We’ve done 12 roadshows (Seattle, twice in Chicago, Toronto, Washington, D.C., twice in Boston, Atlanta, three times in San Francisco, and Los Angeles, Next year we’ll be in Tampa, Austin, Atlanta, and lots of other places!)

  • We’ve released 24 frameworks to guide GTM strategy and progress, including frameworks for ROI, Total Relevant Market, the 6 GTM Motions, Nailing Your POV, and more!

  • More than 70 ambassadors have signed on who want to help us get our research out into the world.

  • We have released more than 400 free pieces of research, including white papers, reports, guides, podcasts, articles, infographics, frameworks, decks, and more.

  • We’ve done 13 ROI studies for companies like PartnerStack, Insightly, SalesIntel, Airmeet, Uberflip, Hushly, Vidyard, PathFactory, HG Insights, Openprise, Sendoso, and Goldcast, with at least seven more that will be launched in the next 3 months.

  • We’ve held 10 virtual events, including leadership summits, webinars, and analyst hours, on everything from RevOps to Brand and Demand to Digital Sales Rooms.

  • We’ve written 48 GTMondays, the thing you are reading at this very second and that you are hopefully subscribed to, where we share GTM research, news and analysis.

  • We’ve collected thousands of surveys for our twice-yearly GTM Benchmark report (the next one comes out in January 2024).

Truly, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We wouldn’t exist without our customers, collaborators, partners, and ambassadors.

Endless appreciation to our wonderful GTM Partners team that makes it all possible: Lindsay, Karthi, Sarah, Suchi, Ishani, Aryssa, Teri, and Anne.

When we look at all we have accomplished with this small but mighty team, our hearts are overflowing.

We hope you are NOT thinking about GTM this coming week, but that you find some time to feel thanks and gratitude for whatever things, big or small, make you happy and fulfilled.


Sangram and Bryan

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